Czech Republic

VAT returns and related reporting

We offer a regular preparation of the value added tax return and related mandatory reports performed by our tax specialists. The preparation of the VAT return includes examining whether VAT is properly claimed during individual transactions in the tax period, i.e. verifying the essential elements of invoices, entitlement to VAT deduction in respect of individual standard transactions, etc. The review of the transactions included in the VAT return is usually done on selective basis, always in respect to our recent experiences with the given client. Special attention is certainly given to the review of the documents in the first couple of the tax periods; however, the selective review continues also in all subsequent tax periods.

As part of the tax review, VAT specialists verify if VAT has been claimed in all cases in full compliance with the VAT Act, focusing namely on non-standard and complex transactions in the context of long-term activities of the company. Thus, regular VAT return reviews ensure that the system of claiming VAT is properly set up for standard transactions too. Subsequently, reviewed tax returns are signed by one of our tax specialists and filed with the Tax Authority based on a Power of Attorney, complying with the legal requirement on electronic submissions.

Contact persons

Kateřina Provodová

Head of Tax Czech Republic

+420 226 219 000

Renata Zábranská

TAX Manager

+420 702 153 610

Klára Vandasová

Senior Consultant

+420 226 219 000

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