Czech Republic

OPTREX – Management buy-out of the company


The managers of OPTREX Czech a.s. (OCZ) successfully completed the management buy-out (MBO). OCZ produces LCD and TFT displays and modules that are used in the fields of automotive production, telecommunications, medicine, and industry, as well as in households. OCZ builds on the activities of TESLA Vrchlabí, and has operated in the Czech Republic since 1999. OCZ manufactures LCD displays, and, since 2008, TFT displays. It mainly produces for the automotive sector and supplies manufacturers such as BMW, Audi, VW, Škoda, Volvo, Opel, Ford, Renault, and Peugeot. Recently, OCZ sales have ranged between CZK 400,000,000 and 500,000,000. In the sales process, we acted as an exclusive advisor to OCZ managers and led the whole transaction.

Client satisfaction

Zdeněk Kodejš, OCZ Board Member: “All of a sudden, we had to deal with the buy-out. We are still convinced that seeking help from RSM CZ saved us a lot of time. I believe it was an interesting experience for both our partners, too, because we only had six weeks. With the specific manufacturing position of the Vrchlabí plant, it was really a challenge to accomplish everything on the first try. To conclude, let me just say: Thank you, friends.”

How we helped

Marek Rosenbaum: “We are often approached by managers willing to buy the company they have been in charge of. We believe that if the process is well prepared with regards to the necessary equity, transaction structuring, and financing, MBO represents an attractive opportunity for company managers, who can develop further, as well as for current owners who sell the company to people whom they know and who are well acquainted with the company they are taking over. We believe that MBO has development potential and that it can, to some extent, replace the lacking foreign investors.”