Czech Republic

M&A Global Trends and Strength of M&A Growth in Europe

Mergers and acquisitions are one of RSM Group’s global strengths. In Europe alone, our network helped conclude over 600 transactions in 2021, which is an all-time high. And despite the current economic, energy and security uncertainties, this year by all indications should again be a strong M&A year.

RSM experts from different countries have prepared a very interesting global paper on this topic. They look back at the trends in 2021, describe the current situation from different angles and also present their own view on further developments and factors that should influence the M&A sector and more in the years to come. We believe that the information contained in this report may be of interest and benefit to you, even if you are not currently involved in a merger or an acquisition.

And if you are planning a business transaction, do not hesitate to contact us: our team of experienced professionals is always here to help answer questions, provide a non-binding consultation, and assist with the entire process.

Download M&A report HERE