Czech Republic

COVID – Rent Programme

The special subsidy COVID – Rent programme was drawn up by the Czech Ministry of Industry and Trade in response to the global coronavirus pandemic. It is intended for entrepreneurs who, due to the emergency measures, had to temporarily close their establishments used for retail activities and provision of customer services in such establishments. The essence of the COVID – Rent programme is the participation of the lessor and the lessee in the following ratio: the lessor discounts at least 30% of the rent and the lessee pays 20% of the rent while the state contributes 50%.

The subsidy applications can be submitted as early as 26 June 2020.

Intended Recipients

An eligible applicant is a lessee who:

  • Is an entrepreneur (natural or legal entity) and carries out business activities in accordance with Act No. 455/1991 Coll., on Trade Licensing, or in a similar manner.
  • Uses an establishment, which it does not own, under a lease concluded before 13 March 2020 for the retail sale of goods or provision of customer services.
  • Due to the emergency measures related to the COVID-19 pandemic, was prohibited from the retail sale of goods or provision of customer services in the establishment for at least part of the period between 13 March and 30 June 2020.
  • Is not a related person of the lessor which rents the establishment premises.

Parameters of COVID – Rent Programme:

  • The state subsidy amounts to 50% of the rent for April to June 2020.
  • The lessor must provide the lessee with a 30% discount on the rent, while the lessee pays the remaining 20% of the rent.
  • The maximum amount of the subsidy per applicant is CZK 10 million.
  • The total amount allocated is CZK 5 billion which will be increased if necessary to cover the applications of all eligible applicants.
  • The applications can be submitted online from 26 June via the information system available at
  • Applicants’ identity will be verified using NIA – electronic identity.

Also read: Complete overview of funding programmes – updated

If you need help filling in your application, including its annexes, or have any other questions about your projects for which you seek funding, please do not hesitate to contact us. We will be happy to help you. If you are interested in this service, please contact us at (“we can handle this together”

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