Czech Republic

System of electronic certificates of temporary incapacity for work: What changes are ahead?

In connection with the planned introduction of electronic certificates of incapacity for work, we provide you with more information about the changes brought about by the new system.

We trust that you will find this simple outline useful and helpful in understanding the new system that is to simplify the paperwork for employers, employees and doctors.

The computerisation is to be introduced in three stages:

New service for employers introduced by the Czech Social Security Administration (CSSA) on 1 January 2019

  • Via the CSSA’s ePortal, you can find out online whether an employee’s new incapacity for work is already entered in the system, when it started and when it ended.
  • The service may be accessed by employers after logging into the CCSA’s ePortal and identity authentication.

Two new statutory measures will apply as of 1 July 2019

  • The time limit will be reduced in which the treating doctor must send a notice of the start and the end of temporary incapacity for work.
  • More information will be disclosed to employers regarding their employees’ temporary incapacity for work: the employee’s whereabouts during their incapacity for work and the extent of permitted outings.

Another novelty effective from 1 July 2019 is the cancellation of the ‘waiting period’ for which an employee or a civil servant receives no wage or salary compensation or salary or other income during their temporary incapacity to work.  For more information, see our newsletter discussing this topic.

Full computerisation from 1 January 2020: simplification for doctors, employers and employees

  • After entering the employee’s insurance number, the doctor will download all information from the CSSA’s register and verify the person’s current employer.
  • Employees will continue to be obliged to inform their employer about their incapacity for and absence from work but will not provide the employer with any documents relating to the incapacity for work.
  • Employers will become obligated to monitor their employees’’ incapacity for work via the CSSA’s ePortal and transfer the data to payroll. Based on these records, enclosures will be created that will be submitted with requests for sickness benefits in respect of sicknesses lasting longer than 14 calendar days.
  • The employer will be relieved of the obligation to pass requests for sickness benefits to the competent offices of the CCSA. Only in the event of temporary incapacity to work exceeding 14 calendar days, the employer will send necessary information to the CCSA to calculate and pay the sickness benefit.

In this case, taking about any reduction of administrative burden on the part of the employer is rather debatable. Nevertheless, let’s hope that the gradual automation of the system will result in the promised acceleration and hence faster payments of sickness benefits to all employees.

Leave all your administrative burden to us! We will be glad to take care of your payroll for you. Let us know and we will help you.