Czech Republic


The key to efficiency: How system integration is transforming the business world

What is system integration? System integration is a process of linking together various information systems and applications to allow programs to share data and information with each other. This can be achieved by employing a variety of technologies and methods, such as web services built to integrate specific data collections, application programming interfaces (API’s) accessible […]

Modern cloud ERP as a steppingstone to foreign investors

Do you have big plans with your business, and you would like to attract (ideally) foreign investors and expand to the world? Of course, there are exceptions, but in most of the cases it is not enough to have amazing idea or business model and good results. Potential investors consider the whole range of different […]

The digitisation of HR processes is a win for both businesses and their employees

Digital technology and social media are changing the world around us. The way companies operate, communicate and ensure effective management of their internal processes is changing too. The pandemic has made it clear that the situation can change literally overnight and has highlighted the importance of having HR processes as digitised as possible. So what […]

Are you getting ready for a merger or acquisition? Do not forget about IT due diligence!

During mergers and acquisitions, companies usually go through the process of evaluation and build an objective view of the potential investment subject. This means the process of due diligence is historically focused on financial, tax, and legal aspects. Whereas IT processes, property, and information security are often overlooked, even though they are key areas. In […]

Get to know the NetSuite Analytics & Reporting reporting tool

One of the important tasks of any report is to transfer data into a readable format, allowing users to make informed decisions more rapidly. At the same time, reports should help increase productivity and guide the company in the right direction. But in practice, it’s common for reporting to slow users down, leading to reduced […]

Localization of global cloud – modern ERP solution made to fit

Operational everyday management of your company as well strategic decision making requests surely asking some of these questions concerning of your informational business systems. Is the current ERP system suitable for the growing demands of our company? Do the company informational systems provide good quality online data and reports about our business? Do we have […]

5 most common challenges of the financial department – How to deal with them?

In our practice, we often see financial department employees confronted by the need for digitalization that creates questions of how it will influence their workload, responsibilities, and business processes. More often they tackle terms like digitalization, automatization, robotization, quickly changing environment, blockchain, new systems and implementation, requirements of new skills, and complete transformation of their […]

Choosing of company system from a view of project management

The process of choosing ERP/CRM or a different company system (HR system, production solutions etc.) isn’t an easy process. One of its most difficult parts is usually looking for answers to fundamental questions: Where and how to start? The market is saturated with suppliers, solutions, and approaches. The last newsletter (newsletter) shows how to view […]

Are you looking for a new ERP or business application? Find out what not to forget from a functional point of view.

Are you in the process of choosing an ERP solution? As with any important business and strategic decision, start by clarifying goals and expectations, engaging key stakeholders who can benefit most from successful implementation (and lose the most if problems arise). After the initial phase, you can then start comparing offers suitable for your business. […]

Are you purchasing a new ERP system? Why should you?

What is an ERP system? Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems begin with a shared database containing the information each company needs to manage its core processes. From accounting and finance, through warehousing, inventory, and production, to order processing and human resources management. Based on this shared data, ERP systems add various modules to automate and […]