Czech Republic

Localization of global cloud – modern ERP solution made to fit

Operational everyday management of your company as well strategic decision making requests surely asking some of these questions concerning of your informational business systems.

  • Is the current ERP system suitable for the growing demands of our company?
  • Do the company informational systems provide good quality online data and reports about our business?
  • Do we have a robust but flexible platform for a business expansion on to new markets?
  • Do we manage to keep our IT expenses under control and do we pay only for what we really use?

Answers and solutions are offered by modern cloud-based informational systems with a fully integrated platform, which allows your business to grow in effectiveness, provide you with good quality data in real-time for the right managerial decisions. At the same time, they represent an optimal information – technological base for future growth and development of your business. All of these prerequisites are met with the cloud ERP solution NetSuite from the company Oracle.

Cloud software NetSuite is the global leader in cloud-based systems that are being used by more than 21,000 organizations in more than 190 countries across the world. It offers complex solutions for your whole business – from company complex ERP system, across customer CRM to fully integrated eCommerce. Above all, you can choose an edition of NetSuite by the segment in which business you do.

  • NetSuite is scalable and grows in line with the current need of your company. It gives all users the opportunity to choose and license only the modules and functionalities that are currently needed which allows them to hold control over expenses.
  • NetSuite supports your business expansion and the ability of the company to become an international organization with multiple languages, currencies, and tax systems in many branches all over the world.
  • NetSuite lowers your IT expenses by not having to have hardware that would be necessary to maintain. NetSuite works online and you can connect to it from anywhere by using a web browser or via the NetSuite app.

Is NetSuite ERP localized for Czech and Slovakia?

As a part of the global consulting network of RSM we are a strong and reliable partner of the NetSuite company and together we try to accomplish our global mission – we operate globally and act locally. In practice, this means that during the implementation of a global information system for each customer we consider their business needs and at the same time we fully respect all legislative and tax needs of the country.

Based on these practical and many yeared experiences the company RSM Technology CZ developed a package of NetSuite localization for the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Thanks to that Netsuite became a unique solution for Czech and Slovak companies, that want to grow and succeed in abroad. Your reporting will be completely aligned with Czech and Slovak accounting laws, tax standards, and legal requirements.

What specific functionalities does Czech and Slovak’s localization bring to the clients?

  • Integration on an official register ARES
  • Control of reliability of DPH
  • Numbering of documents
  • Automatization of exchange rates of ČNB and ECB
  • Processing of advance payment
  • Complex solution of managing DPH
  • Tax statement for DPH and control reporting
  • Statutory statements – balance sheet and profit and loss statement incl. detailed reports
  • Predefined print reports based on requirements

RSM Technology CZ has been set up an official supplier of NetSuite for Czech and Slovakia and your full-fledged partner during deciding a purchase, implementation, and optimization of cloud solution for your organization. We realized a number of successful implementations, optimizations and other supporting activities in the both countries. Not only on a local but on an international scale too. These experiences in combination with the trust of our customers made us a strong reliable partner in this location. If you are a fast-growing company which is planning an expansion on international markets or new market segments, NetSuite is the right solution. We are happy to help you!