Czech Republic


NetSuite ready for self-confident Czech and Slovak firms

NetSuite is one of the world’s leading business management systems for financial, inventory and content management, CRM, production management and in fact providing comprehensive enterprise features in terms of information technology (ERP system). In July 2016, NetSuite was acquired by Oracle for USD 9.3 bln. And this year, NetSuite has been named “Contender” by Forrester […]

Fight against tax ‘optimisation’ – country-by-country reports starting to look clearer in the Czech Republic

The Czech Chamber of Deputies approved an amendment proposed by the government to the International Cooperation in Tax Administration Act. The bill introduces an obligation of country-by-country reporting (CBCR). What does CBCR involve? And what effect can it have on you? On 12 July 2017, the Czech Chamber of Deputies approved in a third reading […]

Overtime – when it applies and how it is paid

Today’s issue of our newsletter brings information about overtime work. When employees become entitled to compensatory time off and how are they paid? We bring you detailed information about records of and payments for overtime work. Overtime work is work performed by an employee beyond the regular schedule. Employers may order employees to work overtime […]

Payroll changes in 2017

Taxation of income from employment Child tax credits for a second, third and subsequent child are to be increased. The amendment approved by the Chamber of Deputies is yet to be approved by the Senate and the President. The tax credit for a first child will remain the same, i.e. CZK 13,404 per year (CZK […]

Employee benefits – an increasing trend in employee motivation?

Today, besides salaries and various performance bonuses, employers provide a wide range of employee benefits. These are usually beneficial for both parties.