Czech Republic

due diligence

Are you getting ready for a merger or acquisition? Do not forget about IT due diligence!

During mergers and acquisitions, companies usually go through the process of evaluation and build an objective view of the potential investment subject. This means the process of due diligence is historically focused on financial, tax, and legal aspects. Whereas IT processes, property, and information security are often overlooked, even though they are key areas. In […]

Financial and Tax due diligence and its significance in practice

A widely-used term in M&A (transaction) consulting, “due diligence” means a legal, economic, financial or technical investigation of the company that is the subject of the transaction (often referred to as the “target”). The specifics of each transaction call for an accurate, detailed and tailored due diligence, which requires engaging competent advisors who keep abreast […]

Financial due diligence, and a pig in a poke

Since childhood, we have been told that buying a pig in a poke is not a good idea. In transactions involving the acquisition of a business – that is quite a lot of money – the pig and the poke are first carefully examined and only then bought.