Czech Republic

Business review

Business review is an important service provided in association with RSM CZ Corporate Finance specialists. Business review focuses on an overall assessment of the company’s financial condition from the perspective of banks and its ability to meet its liabilities under current credit agreements.

Business review for current clients of banks (failure to comply with terms)

  • Business review for new financing
  • Preventive business review
  • Financing

To avoid unpleasant surprises and stressful disagreements, you should always involve an experienced transactional adviser in your team. With many years of practice, our specialists are in all cases able to carry out high-quality analyses of financing and formulate adequate objectives.

Our services include, for example, the following:

  • Analyses during due diligence
  • Definition of objectives
  • Review of draft purchase agreements
  • Review of proposals presented by the other party
  • Guidance through mediation or arbitration procedures

Contact persons

Lenka Zdražilová

Head of Transaction Advisory Services

+420 226 219 000

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