Czech Republic

Local Representation Services

Representation based on power of attorney

Once you provide us power of attorney, we can act as your company’s representative in effecting a range of tasks related to your business. The authorisation can be general and covering a limited period of time, or specific for concrete acts. We strictly follow your directions so that your local needs are met.

Registered agent

If need be, we can provide you with a representative who will be entered as a registered agent in the Commercial Register to handle all business matters on behalf of your company.

We only do as you may direct and the scope of the registered agent’s authorisation is agreed in detail in advance.

Providing the governing body

Trusted clients can be provided with an executive or a governing body member. As members serving on corporate governing bodies are subject to rather extensive liability, this service is only available on an exceptional basis and only to those clients where accounting, tax and payroll services are provided by us.

Contact persons

Anna Pačesová

Head of Corporate Services

+420 226 219 000


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